Pentium 4 computers arrive Monday

Let the kvetching begin. Nearly all the major PC manufacturers released the first desktops built around the Pentium 4, a new microprocessor from Intel that will form the bedrock of the company's business for the next few years. But just as important as new PCs is that Santa Clara, Calif.-based Intel, along with several review sites, will release performance benchmarks for the chip that should keep analysts and computer enthusiasts busy for weeks. In recent years, the debate over which company makes better processors-Intel or Advanced Micro Devices-has in many ways surpassed the Windows vs. Macintosh conflict as the never-ending topic of debate in the PC world. Chat room discussions range from intricate arguments over performance to name-calling screeds. One area of concern for Intel is dual-processor systems. The P4 does not currently work in the two-processor configurations popular on workstations or in low-end servers. The capability is not expected until at least second quarter 2001, when Intel also delivers a Xeon version of P4, potentially creating big holes in high-performance system product lines. While a number of companies will release PCs for the business market, most Pentium 4 computers initially will be targeted at consumers. Dell Computer, for instance, will release the Dimension 8100, a new model optimized for home theater, according to Dell executives at the Comdex trade show in Las Vegas. The 8100 will come with a Sony Trinitron monitor, a subwoofer, and DVD and CD-RW drives. The system is certified for THX sound by George Lucas' Lucasfilm. Like a lot of stereo equipment, the case will be silver and black, rather than Dell's usual beige or gray.