World Bank to Help Bangladesh Cut Urban Air Pollution

Pasaulio bankas
The World Bank today approved a US$62.20 million IDA credit to Bangladesh, designed to improve urban air quality through measures that will cut emissions in key polluting sectors such as transport and brick making.

More than one-third of Bangladesh’s population lives in cities and estimates suggest that more than half of the population will live in urban areas by 2050. Most of this population growth is concentrated in and around Dhaka, making it the eighth largest city in the world. The level of air pollutant in Dhaka and other major cities have steadily increased in recent years, with an annual average much higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. In fact, air pollution is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity related to environmental issues.

The Clean Air and Sustainable Environment Project will provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Environment and Forest to improve air quality monitoring in Bangladesh and through implementation of initiatives in urban transport will provide safe and better mobility in Dhaka. It will also introduce cleaner technologies, in the very polluting brick manufacturing sector. These energy efficient new technologies will reduce energy consumption and lower air pollution, hence improving overall environmental quality.

“Millions of Bangladeshis face serious health risks from poor urban air quality, resulting from rapid urban and industrial growth in the country,” said Xian Zhu, World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh. “This project will not only help cut pollution and its health impacts and costs but also generate other benefits including better mobility in the case of transport and reduced energy consumption in the case o f small industries.”

In urban transport, the project will introduce low cost measures to reduce conflict between motorized and non-motorized transport, reduce congestion, and provide safer and cleaner mobility for pedestrian in pilot areas in Dhaka.  Close collaboration between Dhaka City Corporation, Dhaka Transport Coordination Board and Dhaka Metropolitan Police is essential for the success of this project.

“The urban environmental problems in Bangladesh are numerous and inter-related,” said Maria Sarraf, World Bank Senior Environment Economist and Task Leader for the project. “Addressing these in a comprehensive manner requires coordination among a large number of sector ministries and agencies. This project is a first step towards the integration of environmental and transport concerns under one project.”

The credit from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s concessionary arm, has 40 years to maturity with a 10-year grace period; it carries a service charge of 0.75 percent.