European elections to shape future for 500 million people

From 4th to 7th June, 375 million voters in 27 countries will determine the direction of Europe for the next 5 years. An unprecedented range of information sources will help them make their choice.

The European elections, which will take place between 4th and 7th June, will shape the fate of almost 500 million Europeans for the next 5 years.

The president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, has called on the public to make their voice heard by voting in large numbers.

The stakes are high, with the MEPs elected this week likely to be deciding on major issues such as how Europe meets its energy needs, tighter controls for financial markets and how to help workers cope with having a family.

The European Parliament plays an essential role in lawmaking and overseeing the other EU institutions. In doing so, MEPs are directly representing the views of voters.

To make their choice, voters can draw on many different sources of information: the European Parliament website lists all the candidates for each country, while its Europarltv site hosts videos of campaign adverts. And every day the websites of the various social networks are spreading more information and reactions on the elections.

The results will be announced on Sunday 7th June after 10 pm, live from the European Parliament building in Brussels.

So everything seems to be in place for an important ballot on the future of Europe - all you have to do is get out and vote!