Space station astronaut urges people to vote in Euro-elections

Baikonuro kosmodrome Kazachstane į kosmosą pakilo nauja TKS įgula
Around 350 km above the earth on the International Space Station is a good place to observe what's happening on earth. Urging fellow Europeans to vote in European elections being held 4-7 June, recently arrived flight engineer Frank De Winne recorded a message from space saying “wherever you are and whatever political views you have - make your voice heard”.

The 48-year native of Ghent in Belgium cites the European Space Agency and his future Command of the International Space Station as a “perfect example of what Europeans can achieve when they all work together”. He goes on to stress the importance of European elections as the European Union “improves so many parts of our daily lives from environment protection to free movement of people” - and you don't get much more free movement than in space!
“Europe looks united and great from up here”
Along with 2 other astronaut he docked with the existing crew of the ISS on 29 May to take the total to a record 6 people on the station. The crew now consists of the full complement of partner countries of the International Space Station: two Russians, an American, a Canadian, Japanese and an astronaut from the European Space Agency.
Speaking about the view from 350 km above earth he said: “Europe looks united and great from up here”. As getting to the polling station may be a bit difficult he has arranged to vote by proxy when his native Belgium goes to the polls on Sunday.
Scientific research key to mission
In October when the crew rotates De Winne will take over as Commander of the station, the first ESA astronaut to do so until his return in November. When not orbiting the world he enjoys spending time with his wife and three children and watching football.  A former Squadron Commander with 2300 hours of flying experience, his first space mission was in 2002.
The mission is called OasISS and its aim is to use the scientific facilities aboard the space station - in particular doing experiments related to human physiology, biology, radiation fluid physics and materials sciences.