EP President Hans-Gert Pöttering on Middle East peace process

Hansas Gertas Pioteringas
The President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering has made a statement welcoming the speech in Cairo of President Barack Obama, and also the statement on the Middle East last week by US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.
 Hans-Gert Pöttering said:
“I welcome the courage and determination of the President of the United States, Barack Obama, to achieve a solution to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, putting into practice rapid measures, such as an end to the settlements and the free movement of people, in order to bring about a two state solution.
The aim is a peaceful and lasting solution for the Middle East made under the auspices of the United Nations and based on the swift establishment of a two-state solution, a State of Israel in safe and internationally-recognised borders that peacefully coexists with a free, sovereign, democratic and viable State of Palestine on its own internationally-recognised territory. The European Parliament reaffirms its support for this initiative promoted by the European Union since many years and reaffirms its support for the UN special envoy, George Mitchell.
A long standing peace solution based on a two-state-solution can only be achieved through the active involvement of all parties and through confidence-building measures on the ground in order to foster the necessary mutual understanding between communities.
I would like to encourage the Israeli authorities to fulfil the aspirations of their people to live in peace and security. This can only be reached through normalised and peaceful relationships with the moderate Arab countries which have engaged themselves in favour of the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002.
The European Parliament ensures its support for this goal which would lead in turn to a reinforcement of the relationship between the European Union and Israel.”