Centre-right clear winners in European elections

Europos Parlamento (EP) rūmai Strasbūre
Voters across Europe have delivered gains for the centre-right with the Socialists losing ground. Results suggest that the centre-right European People's Party will retain their position as the largest group in the European Parliament. The exact make-up of the groups will not become clear until the first sitting of the new assembly on July 14 when a new President and the Chairs of Committees will be elected.

At a glance:
The Group of the European People's Party (EPP), led by Joseph Daul, remains the largest group going from 288 seats (36.7%) to 265 seats (36%). The new figure does not include British Conservative Members who have declared their intention to form a new group. 

The Socialist Group (PES) under Martin Schulz had 215 seats (27.6%) and now has 162 MEPs (22%). They lost ground but will still be the second biggest group.

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe led by Graham Watson counted 100 Members (12.7%). The group will now be composed of 80 MEPs (10.9%). On these figures, the liberals will still be the third largest party.

The Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance led by Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Monica Frassoni had 43 MEPs (5.5%) and grows to 51 MEPs (6.9%). On this showing, the Greens will form the fourth largest group.

The Union for Europe of the Nations Group (UEN) led by Brian Crowley and Cristiana Muscardini had 44 Members (5.6%) and will go down to 35 Members (4.8%). This will make them the fifth biggest group.

The Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) under veteran Francis Wurtz had 41 seats (5.2%) and will now have 33 MEPs (4.5%). 

The Independence/Democracy Group led by Nigel Farage had 22 seats (2.8%). This figure falls to 19 MEPs (2.6%) in the new Parliament. 

There are also 91 Members (12.4%) who are not yet part of any group. Some of these may join existing groups or seek to form new political groups. 

The rules for composing a group in Parliament will become stricter in the new term. From July 2009, all political groups must include Members from at least seven Member States. The minimum number of Members required establishing a political group is 25.