Danske Bankas increases interest rate for fixed-term deposits in litas

Danske bankas
Danske Bankas has made another increase in the interest rate for fixed-term deposits in litas for both private and corporate clients.

Beginning today, Danske Bankas is paying 9 % interest (previously 8 %) for 1-year fixed-term deposits. The interest rate for 1-, 2-, and 9-month and longer fixed-term deposits in litas has been increased by one percentage point. The interest rate for 6-month fixed-term deposits in litas has been increased by half a percentage point.

To save time, people tend to conclude an agreement for a fixed-term deposit via the internet banking system Danske eBank. It is also useful financially since the interest rate for a deposit concluded via Danske eBank is 0.1 percentage point higher than that for a deposit concluded at a branch of the bank.

Seeking to respond to market changes and clients' needs more efficiently, Danske Bankas has made weekly reviews of interest rates for fixed-term deposits since October last year.

Previous and new interest rates of Danske Bankas:
LTL: 1 month 6 months 12 months
was: 2.00 7.50 8.00
now: 3.00 8.00 9.00