EP President Hans-Gert Pöttering on the Middle East peace process

Hansas Gertas Pioteringas
Hansas Gertas Pioteringas
Following the policy orientation speech by Prime Minister Netanyahu, in response to the speech delivered by President Barack Obama in Cairo, the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering has made a statement calling for practical steps forward and a swift resumption of comprehensive peace negotiations.

President Pöttering said:
“I welcome the fact that Prime Minister Netanyahu views the implementation of the two-state solution as the road to be pursued in order to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is indeed a first step on the right path to establish a sovereign, democratic and viable State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel.”
Recalling that a long-standing peace solution can only be achieved through sincere political will and mutual understanding, which result from confidence-building measures on the ground, Hans-Gert Pöttering added:
“The government of Israel is expected to commit unequivocally to this objective. This implies the immediate cessation of the ongoing settlement policy, including around Jerusalem, the restoration of free movement and border crossings in the Palestinian Territories, as well as an agreement on the status of the city of Jerusalem. The European Parliament reaffirms its full support for a swift resumption of comprehensive peace negotiations between the parties and under the auspices of the international community. This would also allow for a rapid normalisation of relations between Israel and its neighbouring countries.”