Ashburn International Owns 40 Per Cent More Payment Teminals

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The company Ashburn International that implements payment card and loyalty system solutions successfully strengthens its positions on the payment terminal maintenance market. The company that belongs to Penki Kontinentai group owned over 2,500 terminals at the end of June 2009, which is by 40 % more compared to the last year.

“Despite of general decline in the retail sector we have succeeded to increase a share of the controlled market. We have offered to clients innovative integrated solutions which meet the best their needs,” says Darius Simanavičius, Director for Commerce of Ashburn International.

In his words, company solutions that integrate external payment terminals with cash registers used by companies were on a special demand. These solutions have speeded up service of customers who pay with payment cards and reduced probability of errors due to human factors.

“We will seek to keep a similar pace of the company growth within the next two years and to double the number of terminals owned by the company in Lithuania,” shared the company plans D. Simanavičius.

Ashburn International implements payment and loyalty cards and e-commerce solutions since 1998. The company successfully implements joint projects with commercial banks, the largest retail, mobile communication, and gas-filling station operators.