Finnish Started Business with 2 Lithuanian Print Houses

Pasaulio valstybių vėliavos – Suomija
One of the biggest Finnish introducing broker companies Finnprinters, connecting customers and printing houses, has started joint business projects with Lithuania’s 2 printing houses.

Finnprinters took part in the international business matchmaking event organized by the Lithuanian Development Agency on 7 May 2009, an event held within the framework of the Agency’s long-term project "Lithuania – a Reliable Business Partner”.

“It was mostly curiosity that made me accept the invitation to come and visit the matchmaking event in Vilnius in early May. I did not expect very much of the meeting, but I was surprised by the good reception, and the interest of my business, that I received from the participants.  I found Lithuanian printers skilful and well equipped with latest technology. I am specially thrilled by the opportunity to start marketing books printed in Vilnius, which I hope shall be a success. I hope to be able to sign a marketing agreement with two Lithuanian printers, one book maker and another one that prints magazines,” said Mr. Christian Söderström, Head of Finnprinters.

Finnprinters, who has been searching for print houses with a great printing capacity (print runs reaching a million copies and more), has been working with printhouses located in Sweden, Estonia and Holland.  “When the Baltic States opened up in early ninetees, Finnish companies were first drawn to Estonia, out of geografical and cultural reasons, of course. Today business, and especially tourism, is very lively between our two states. Now we want to expand to Lithuania,” commented Mr. Söderström on Finnprinters’ entrance into Lithuania.