Profile of the leaders of Parliament's political groups

ES vėliava
Who are the new leaders of the political groups? On the opening session of the new European Parliament we take a look at the personalities MEPs have chosen as their leaders over the past few weeks and whose personalities will affect the agenda of the Parliament over the next years.

The European Parliament now has seven political groups. The two largest are the centre-right European People’s Party and the Socialists & Democrats.
The strength of the groups and the number of MEPs they can muster from all corners of Europe reflects the results of the June European elections. Read on here to see profiles of those elected to lead them.
The political groups play an important function in the life of the European Parliament as they help to consolidate opinions of MEPs with similar political outlooks ahead of important votes, forge agreements and provide expertise and support to individual Members.
The leaders of the political groups, together with the EP President, form the “Conference of Presidents” which decides on the agenda of the Plenary meetings.