Clearer info on which sunscreen protection to use

Elbės upės paplūdimyje Hamburge (Vokietija) jau mėgaujamasi saule
As Europeans hit the beaches in large numbers this summer the risk of skin disease is present if people expose them to too much sun and don't use adequate protection. In Europe every year the World Health Organisation estimates that there are 3.2 million skin cancer (or Melanoma) cases. Effective sun cream is one defence and for 2009 there are new EU-wide rules to make it easier for people to understand what suntan lotion they should be using.

The following classifications are new for makers of suntan lotion 2009:
Low protection - factor 6 and 10

Medium protection - factor 15, 20 and 25

High protection - factor 30 and 50

Very high protection - factor 50+

However, no sunscreen will provide complete protection against the sun. Even on cloudy days light clouds can still let through up to 90% of the ultra violet light.

In addition to protection on cloudy days swimmers must also take care as even at a depth of half a metre the UV radiation is still 40% as intense as on the surface. The average adult needs about 36 grams of sunscreen which amounts to about 6 teaspoons. It is important to remember to reapply it after swimming or towelling.
The link below contain more information on the new classifications as well as ways of protecting yourself from the sun.