BS/2 successfully implemented the sales strategy of Halyk Bank


Mažmeninė prekyba
The Lithuanian company BS/2 successfully completed a two-year project for the development of a new e-channel for sales of Halyk Bank.

Within the framework of this project the strategy for expansion sales and service channels of the leading bank of Kazakhstan, from equipment delivery to its full integration into IT infrastructure of the bank, certification in accordance with EMV standards and functionality expansion according to the tasks of the project, has been implemented. 

 “The goal of the project was to install software and hardware into bank‘s IT infrastructure for the development of a new e-channel for service payment via info payment terminals. Four parties participated in the project: Halyk Bank, BS/2, Wincor Nixdorf and OpenWay. The project was complex and long – requirements were changed and various technology issues arouse during the project. But due to co-ordinated work of all project parties the desirable result has been achieved”, says Pavel Drobinov, Head of the BS/2 Project Department.

In the words of the BS/2 representative, software integrated into info terminals enables to pay both by payment cards and in cash for utilities, taxes, communication services, etc.

During the project 600 info-payment terminals of Wincor Nixdorf were delivered to Halyk Bank and integrated into IT infrastructure of the bank into which original software was installed for making payments iQxml developed by BS/2.

“The implemented solution should significantly contribute to optimization of operations of Halyk Bank departments and in turn to attract new customers. As a one-stop-shop service provider, BS/2 will continue to provide service support and spare parts to the bank and to provide consulting and training services”, says Drobinov.

BS/2, a company of the Penki Kontinentai Group, develops and sales special software for banking and retail industries provides outsourcing services, consults on issues of operation optimization, and provides PCI DSS audit and EMV implementation services. The company operates on the Kazakhstan market for over ten years. In 2006, in Almaty a subsidiary company BS/2 Kazakhstan was incorporated that provides services for the largest banks of the country and the entire region of Central Asia.

The company works with the National Bank of Kazakhstan since 1999. This is the largest commercial bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan that successfully operates in the country for 86 years. Currently 2380 ATMs are installed in Halyk Bank branches, out of 8188 ATMs of the country. 51 per cent of them are made by Wincor Nixdorf.