Staff training of BALTBAT take place in Rukla

Užsimaskavę prancūzų kariai (Afganistanas)
On August 4–6 Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian members of the Baltic Battalion staff will exercise in the Lithuanian Grand Duke Algirdas Mechanised Infantry Battalion (Rukla, Jonava Distr.).

Purpose of the exercise is to improve operational planning skills of BALTBAT staff following the order of military decision making process. Changes of standard Battalion's procedures will be introduced to the staff personnel and lessons learnt in the “Baltic Eagle 09” exercise (the exercise took place in Adaži Military Area, Latvia, on June 2009) will be analysed.

The training will be organised on the basis of the Combat Readiness Plan 2009 of the Battalion to improve soldiers' skills of planning and fulfilling full range of NATO Response Force tasks.

The Baltic Battalion was established in 2007 by a joint agreement of the Baltic States. In total, Baltic countries contribute about 800 soldiers to the Battalion, more than 500 of BALTBAT's personnel are Lithuanians who also hold the positions of authority. At the date of signing the agreement Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Armed Forces arranged to provide an infantry company, combat support elements, and other capabilities for the Battalion each. Each of the countries is responsible for providing logistic support for its national contingent. In the end of July 2009 Latvia decreased its contribution to the Battalion due to difficult economical situation, Lithuania committed to contribute a company and antitank platoon and Estonia - MP and demining divisions to the Battalion.

The Battalion will start its six-month standby period as a part of the land component in the 14th rotation of NRF in the beginning of 2010.

NATO Response Force (NRF) is a highly ready and technologically advanced force of the Alliance made up of land, air, sea and special forces' components that can deploy quickly wherever needed. It is self-sustainable and capable of performing missions worldwide across the whole spectrum of operations. National units trained for NRF maintain high readiness in their home countries and are prepared to deploy to sites of international operations in case NATO command decided to employ armed capabilities.