Georgia Consults with Lithuania on Nato Integration Matters

Gruzijos palaikymo akcija Vilniaus Rotušės aikštėje
On 4-5 August, Lithuanian-Georgian consultations concerning Georgia’s NATO integration issues took place in Vilnius. Deputy State Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Helen Khoshtaria lead the Georgian delegation during the consultations.
On 4 August, Lithuania’s Foreign Vice-Minister Evaldas Ignatavičius  met with Deputy Minister H.Khoshtaria and discussed important issues of bilateral co-operation, Georgia’s integration  into NATO and the European Union, the current situation in Georgia and the region.

“We are glad about the first Annual National Programme which Georgia is implementing and we encourage Georgia to continue cooperating closely with NATO regarding democratic reforms in the country. Lithuania is ready to remain Georgia’s adviser on its way to Euro-Atlantic structures”, Vice-Minister E.Ignatavičius said.

On 5 August, issues related to Georgia’s integration into NATO, as well as the preparation and implementation of the Annual National Programme were discussed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Officials from Lithuania’s ministries of foreign affairs and defence, members of non-governmental organizations shared their experience concerning Lithuania’s integration into NATO and discussed the public awareness policy that Lithuania had been implementing before its NATO membership.

These consultations are the first ones held under the Charter on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration that Lithuania and Georgia signed in April 2009. The charter stipulates the creation of Lithuanian-Georgian commission on Euro-Atlantic integration and bilateral consultations regarding Georgia’s EU and NATO membership, other issues.