Elections in Afghanistan draw closer

Musulmonė eina pro mečetę (Afganistanas)
The Afghan presidential elections are soon to take place and the election campaign is in full swing.

“There is great interest in the elections which is very pleasing. Kabul is covered in election posters”, says Svante Kilander, Swedish Ambassador and representative of the EU Presidency in Afghanistan.

The embassy, in its role as representative of the EU Presidency, has organised a series of meetings between each of the most prominent presidential candidates and all the EU embassies in the country.

“We discuss with and pose questions to the candidates; the same kind of questions that would be asked in an election campaign in Europe. This has resulted in very good and interesting meetings that have been greatly appreciated in EU circles and, I believe, by the candidates themselves”, says Svante Kilander.

The most important issue in these elections, according to Svante Kilander, is the issue of corruption.

“This is a major and widespread problem in the country. I think that both the candidates and the voters agree completely on this.”

Another important issue is the status of women in the country. There are two women candidates standing for election. They were the first to be invited to the embassy’s meetings.

“It is important that there are women candidates. They spoke at great length about the status and rights of Afghan women. Both candidates have received attention from international media.”

The President of Afghanistan is appointed for a five-year term. Approximately forty candidates stand in the election, which takes place on 20 August.

“But there is a risk that there will be a second round of elections and then the elections may be delayed.”

The first democratic elections took place in 2004, bringing the current president Hamid Karzai to power and he is now running for re-election. Much of the Swedish Embassy’s work concerns the election, but as representative of the EU Presidency, the embassy is also responsible for meetings in other areas.

“Our agenda becomes both deeper and broader, what with the Presidency. We are now chairing a series of meetings that we would previously only attend; meetings addressing issues such as consular matters, security policy, human rights and aid. The fun thing about the Presidency is that you are given a more important role in a broader context. We are involved in everything that happens.”

With disturbances in Afghanistan on the increase, the embassy and EU circles have been affected in that they follow the situation and analyse developments.

“There was an incident involving rocket fire here in Kabul the other night, so we have to take measures to ensure our own safety.”

The Swedish Embassy opened last year. Svante Kilander is Sweden’s first Ambassador to the country. Altogether, there are 18 EU countries that have embassies in Afghanistan.