Egghead tight-lipped about hack investigation

Representatives for Egghead and its outside security consultant, Kroll Worldwide, said that while they have continued to gather information about the breach, they have no updates on how hackers were able to break into Egghead's systems or on how many customer accounts were compromised. "We don't have all the facts completely nailed down," Egghead spokesman John Stodder said. "That's stuff we'll talk about when we have it all figured out. "I don't want to say that they don't have a lot more information; they do," Stodder said. "But there's nothing I can talk about." A representative for Kroll Worldwide, which Egghead brought in to assess the breach, declined to offer specifics, saying only that there should be an update within a "couple days." Earlier this month, hackers broke into and downloaded 55,000 credit card numbers. The FBI is investigating the incident. Egghead sent an email to customers last weekend stating that "a hacker has accessed our computer systems, potentially including our customer databases." But the email added, "While there is no indication that any customer information has been compromised, as a precautionary measure, we have taken immediate steps to protect you by contacting the credit card companies with whom we work."