Focus on the economic crisis at G20 meeting in London

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Today, finance ministers from the G20 countries meet in London to discuss what further measures are required to enable the world to recover from the economic and financial crisis. Swedish Minister for Finance Anders Borg will represent the Swedish Presidency of the EU at the meeting. The Minister for Finance will be available to meet the media on two occasions during the meeting.

Climate change funding, that is, how to fund the fight against climate change, is one of the issues on the agenda. Other issues that will be discussed include reforming and allocating additional resources to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and how to restore financial market sustainability.

“The G20 meeting in London is an important step towards the G20 summit that is to be held in Pittsburgh at the end of September, when these issues will be discussed further at the level of heads of state and government. I hope that we in London will be able to pave the way for those discussions”, says Anders Borg.

In Pittsburgh the G20 countries are to discuss how the countries have lived up to their economic commitments thus far and how to achieve a global action plan for continued economic and financial recovery. They will also tackle issues including? the future of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), increased financial support for low income countries, energy efficiency and climate change funding.

Footnote: The G20 countries, or the Group of 20 that the name refers to, consist of the world's 20 largest economies. The G20 was formally established in 1999 as a way to gather the world's largest industrialised nations and developing nations to discuss global economic issues. The G20 comprises Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the USA, along with the EU.