Leading Global Banking Sector Representatives Gather in Bishkek

Central Asian Dialogue

On September 23–25  Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) will be hosting the Bishkek International Banking Conference (BIBC). During the conference another event – “Central Asian Dialogue” – will take place. Representatives of the world's biggest banks and organizations, public and private investors, risk management specialists from CIS, USA, European and other countries will participate at this conference.

At the forum’s plenary sessions will be considered questions related to the global financial crisis and its impact on the economy of Central Asia countries as well as the prospects for regional development will be discussed.

In the BIBC round-table discussions will be raised questions related to financial and banking services and retail technologies. The statement dedicated to the banking sales channels development strategy will be read by the representative of the Lithuanian company BS/2 Pavel Drobinov.

“BS/2, a company of the Penki Kontinentai Group, operates on the Central Asia region for ten years; we have the regional representative offices in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Our objective for participation at this conference is to present novelties of the Wincor Nixdorf self-service equipment that we are supplying and BS/2 innovative software solutions” – said P. Drobinov, Head of the BS/2 Project Department.

According to P. Drobinov, this statement also will include details of self-service terminal software designed for cash deposit to payment cards accounts, money transfers and various other payments (public utility charges, advance payment for mobile telecommunication services, and others).

BS/2 offers one-handed hardware and software solutions, installation and maintenance services and outsourcing services. The company has a wealth of experience of the production and installation of financial and banking technologies. Currently BS/2 operates in more than 60 countries worldwide.

The Central Asia region consists of five CIS states: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. About 51 million people from over 100 different ethnic groups, from Germans and Austrians to Tibetans and Koreans live in the area of 3,994,300 square kilometers   Statistical data published by Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS show that GNP attained by the Central Asia states in 2008 comprises USD 176,2 billion , while import accounted for  USD 133,9 billion.

BIBC conference is organized by the Union of Kyrgyz Banks, the Banking Association for Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE), The Asian Banker publication and Moscow International Currency Association under the support of Euromoney, Global Finance, The Banker publications.