Financial crisis affects women even more than men

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Women, especially migrant and/or poor women, have been harder hit by the financial crisis than men, MEPs heard on Wednesday. The worsening levels of poverty and violence suffered by women were highlighted by Osnat Lubrani, Director of UNIFEM Brussels Office in a discussion with the EP Committee of Women's Rights and Gender Equality.

MEPs were keen to learn how to encourage women to improve their knowledge of financial matters, how to create new labour markets that are less divided on gender lines and how to encourage girls to go into technical jobs. Ms Lubrani pointed out that good examples and solutions can be found in Europe. A strong partnership between the UN and EU will lead to a better and more effective performance, she said.  Committee chairwoman Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL, SE) stressed that a crisis is a challenge that can help bring about change. However, she regretted that the economy was reverting to business as usual. Realistic demands for change should be put forward, she argued.