Energy security – common goal pursued by Lithuanian and Estonian leaders

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Estijos prezidentas Tomas Hendrikas Ilvesas (Toomas Hendrik Ilves)
We have been in the European Union for five years already but we are still isolated in energy terms; we have to connect Baltic and Western European electricity networks as soon as possible and to create an open Baltic electricity market, says President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė having met with Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves as part of her working visit to Estonia.

In the meeting, Lithuanian and Estonian leaders discussed Lithuanian-Estonian bilateral cooperation and the most important EU and NATO policy issues. The two Presidents agreed to take a common stand in the European Council with a view to promoting competitiveness in the EU energy market.

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė
Dalia Grybauskaitė

Both Presidents welcomed the progress and prospects of cooperation between the three Baltic states and the five Nordic countries, underlining that participation of the Baltic countries in developing the Baltic Sea Strategy will strengthen the role of the region within the European Union.

Concerning the new NATO strategy underway by the members of the Alliance, Lithuanian and Estonian Presidents confirmed that both countries would pursue the development of defence plans for the Baltic states and a clarification of Article 5 of the Washington Treaty to cover not only the concept of territorial defence but also equal commitments of NATO members to defend each other in the face of new threats.

In the meeting with Estonia's Speaker of Parliament Ene Ergma, President Grybauskaitė stressed the importance of activities of the Baltic Parliamentary Assembly and its cooperation with the Nordic Council.

Still today, President Grybauskaitė will have a meeting with Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip.