Closer look to reality or hard landing of Baltic tiger

Why did economy rise drastically turn into painful decline and what price will every of us have to pay for that? What possibilities can economy decline bring, what measures can be taken to fight it and what’s the future of Lithuanian national currency Litas?

The series of events Second Tuesday invites to a discussion with Dag Kirsebom, Swedish economy and finance expert, whose book Hard Landing about decline of the Baltic countries economies is on the top of bestsellers. D. Kirsebom will discuss the topic with Stasys Jakeliunas, independent finance analyst.
The event Hard Landing of the Baltic Tiger will take place on October 13th at 6 p.m. at the Nordic Council of Ministers Office (Didzioji 5, Vilnius); the discussion will be held in English.

D. Kirsebom tells, that the idea to write a book came out of frustration. “I could see how history was repeating itself. All the signs of the bubble economy I saw in Sweden in the late 80s I could see in the Baltic countries in 2005 - 2007. And just as in Sweden back then, no one wanted to acknowledge the obvious symptoms of the bubble. Why worry when the party is so much fun and all curves are pointing upwards?”

It’s obvious, that rising inflation, consumption going downhill, bankruptcy of known businesses and growing unemployment will touch everybody. D. Kirsebom urges not to repeat mistakes of Sweden and promises to come up with the recipe on how to survive during hard times and to boost the slipping economy.

Second Tuesday is the series of events about the Nordic countries that are organized on the second Tuesday of the month. The initiator and organizer of the series is the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania.