Lithuanians Enjoy World‘s Fastest Highest-quality Internet

Interneto adresas
Recent global broadband Internet studies show that Lithuania has got the fastest Internet in the world as well as is one of the leading countries in terms of Internet service quality.

The broadband speed analysis tool that allows anyone to test their Internet connection  has placed Lithuania as No. 1 on the list of world’s top countries by upload speed. Lithuania is followed by Japan, Bulgaria, Latvia and many other countries as well as exceeds the average speeds in all continents. Lithuania is also on the list of world’s top countries by download speed. 

According to the study by the University of Oxford in England and the University of Oviedo in Spain released last September, Lithuania is one of the world’s leading countries in terms of broadband Internet quality, as well as Lithuania‘s 2nd largest city Kaunas (population ~358,000) is one of the top 3 best-quality Internet cities of the world.