Buzek delighted that Klaus ratifies the Treaty of Lisbon

Čekijos prezidentas Vaclavas Klausas (Vaclav Klaus)
Buzek: “This is great news.” “We need a new and strong European Commission in place as soon as possible. The European Parliament will be ready as of the 25 November to start the hearings of the new Commissioners-designate.”

On the news that Vaclav Klaus has signed the bill ratifying the Treaty of Lisbon in the Czech Republic, European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek said: “This is great news.  News we have been waiting for a long time.  The signing completes the ratification in all 27 Member States and the Treaty of Lisbon.  The Treaty which greatly enhances the powers of the European Parliament can now enter into force before the end of the year.”

“The European Parliament can now proceed with the hearings of the new Commission as quickly as possible. It is our duty to do so.  The European Parliament will be ready as of the 25 November to start the hearings of the new Commissioners- designate.

We need a new and strong European Commission in place as soon as possible.  We must develop EU policies on the fight against climate change, unemployment and build an EU common energy policy.  The European Parliament, on the basis of the Lisbon Treaty will play its full role.”