In October 2009 prices for consumer goods and services went down by 0.4 per cent

In October 2009, against September, a decisive impact on the overall change in consumer prices was made by a 4.7 per cent price drop for housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, 0.5 per cent – food products and non-alcoholic beverages, 1.6 per cent – recreation and culture, as well as by a 4.2 per cent price rise for alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, 1.9 per cent – clothing and footwear.

In October 2009, prices for consumer goods decreased by 0.3 per cent, those for services – 0.8 per cent.

In the group of housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, the price change was mostly conditioned by a 12.6 per cent price drop for hot water and centralized heat supply, 5.7 per cent – actual rentals for housing.

The monthly price change for food products and non-alcoholic beverages was conditioned by a 5.2 per cent price drop for fruit and berries, 0.7 per cent – meat and meat products, 0.9 per cent – milk and milk products, cheese, eggs, 2.5 per cent – coffee, tea, cocoa, 1.2 per cent – butter, oil and fats.  Fresh vegetables went up in price by 10.4 per cent; the largest price rise was recorded for fruit vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes) – 24.4 per cent. Root vegetables (carrots, beetroot) went down in price by 13.1 per cent, potatoes – 10.6 per cent.

The price drop for recreation and culture goods and services was determined by a 6.9 per cent price drop for package holidays, 0.5 per cent – video equipment.

The price change for alcoholic beverages and tobacco products was conditioned by an 8.7 per cent price rise for tobacco products, 1.7 per cent – spirits, 1.5 per cent – wine and wine products. The price growth for tobacco products was still conditioned by the increased excise duty for cigarettes applied since 1 September 2009.

In the group of clothing and footwear, due to new winter collections, a 3.8 per cent price rise was observed for footwear, 0.9 per cent – clothing. Other clothing products and clothing accessories went up in price by 3.9 per cent, footwear repair – 0.8 per cent. 

Regarding other goods and services which conditioned the overall change in consumer prices the following could be mentioned: a 1.7 per cent price drop for mobile phone services, 0.6 per cent – fuel and pharmaceuticals each, 5.3 per cent – sanatorium services, 1.4 per cent – cosmetics, 2.1 per cent – accommodation services, as well as a 0.9 per cent price rise for non-durable household goods, 1.4 per cent – services of undefined level education, 0.7 per cent – local passenger road transport services.

In October 2009, annual inflation (October 2009 against October 2008) made up 1.3 per cent.

The annual inflation rate was mostly influenced by a 19.1 per cent price rise for alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, 15.6 per cent – health care group of goods and services, 9 per cent – miscellaneous goods and services, as well as by a 3.3 per cent price drop for food products and non-alcoholic beverages, 9.9 per cent – clothing and footwear.

Prices for consumer goods showed an annual increase of 0.3 per cent, services – 4.3 per cent.