Lithuania and Vilnius Turning to a More Inviting Destination

„Air Baltic“ lėktuvas
Airline airBaltic has informed of its plans to resume some flights from Vilnius International Airport before the end of this year. Before Christmas the airline will launch flights from Vilnius to Paris, Berlin and Munich, while flights to Amsterdam and Rome will be offered at the start of the next year.
AirBaltic will launch flights to Paris on 18 December and will operate them on a regular basis on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Aircrafts of the airline will start flying to Munich and Berlin on 19 and 21 December, respectively. Flights to Munich will be operated on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, while flights to Berlin are scheduled on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

First flights to Amsterdam and Rome will be launched at the start of the next year – on 4 and 11 January, respectively. Passengers will have the possibility to travel to Amsterdam every day, except for Saturdays. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays airBaltic plans flights to Rome.

Flights to Copenhagen and Riga will be operated as per the winter flights schedule. According to the Vice President of airBaltic Mr. Vizgirda, there are considerations to renew flight routes for the coming summer season.