Belarus, Ukaine and Lithuania will be the first states to present trilateral Eastern Partnership projects

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On 22-23 November in Kiyv, foreign ministers of Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus discuss trilateral cooperation and participation of Belarus and Ukraine in the Eastern Partnership of the European Union.

Lithuania‘s Minister of Foreign Affairs Vygaudas Ušackas congratulated Ukraine with the Freedom Day, which was celebrated on 22 November marking the fifth anniversary of the Orange Revolution.

“Lithuania stood by Ukraine before and after the Orange Revolution. We are and will be with you before and after the forthcoming elections because we believe in your choice of a European perspective for Ukraine”, Minister V.Ušackas said.

Having expressed support to Ukraine’s EU aspirations, the Minister noted that the country had to do a lot of homework when implementing economic, social and governance reforms.

“Lithuania is ready to assist Ukraine by sharing its experience”, Minister V.Ušackas said.

The Minister also highlighted that Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania would be the first states to present trilateral Eastern Partnership projects to the European Commission and EU member states on 8 December.  This step shows the priority attention that Ukraine and Belarus dedicate to their involvement with the EU.

Head of Lithuania’s diplomacy invited Ukraine and Belarus to present the trilateral projects and investment opportunities at the Baltic Development Forum, the Davos of the Baltic Sea Region, which is scheduled for 2-3 June 2010 in Lithuania.

Minister V.Ušackas also spoke up for a faster facilitation of issuing the Schengen visas to the citizens of Ukraine and Belarus.

Foreign Minister of Belarus Sergei Martynov suggested that Belarus hosted the next trilateral meeting of Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Belarusian foreign ministers in the spring of 2010.