Ashburn International PCS DSS Data Security Certifikate extended by 2010


Kredito kortelė

Services of payment card transaction management provided by Ashburn International which belongs to the Penki Kontinentai Group meet the highest level of data security requirements. The company received official certification that its IT systems which secure and store data of payment cards, meet the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standart) of the 1st level. 

“By selecting us businesses companies and their customers – loyalty and bank card holders – will be assured that their cards will be protected“ – said Darius Simanavičius, commercial director of Ashburn International.

Ashburn International was one of the first Lithuanian companies, which was awarded PCI DSS compliance last year already. PCI DSS audit is performed once every 12 months.

In 2005 PCI DSS standard was approved by PCI Board, including such members as VISA International, MasterCard Worldwide, American Express. Implementation of the standard means that the company ensures the maximum security of the payment card owner’s data thanks to the company’s organizational structure, software and hardware, network architecture.