Don't mention the Wars!

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Irish national TV Europe correspondent, Tony Connelly launched his new book “Don't mention the Wars: A Journey Through European Stereotypes” at European Union House, Dublin, on 25 November 2009. This is an amusing, topical, and witty look at Europe and Europeans.

In his book, Tony Connelly goes on a quest to discover the origination and veracity behind the stereotypes each European nation has inherited. He embarks on an odyssey through the highs and lows of European manners and mannerisms, and explores how stereotypes we hold about other Europeans have originated and evolved, if and how they are still relevant, and what they tell us about our neighbours.

Are all Finns taciturn alcoholics, and if so why? How come the French are the louche lovers of Europe and not the Czechs?

How valid are these notions, and what light do they shed - in the brave, new, frontierless Europe of the 21st century - on what it means to be a modern European?

The book has been described by John Simpson, author and BBC World Affairs Editor, as  'Wry, well-observed and thoroughly informative. Anyone who wants to understand Europe and the Europeans should read it.'

Tony Connelly was born in County Antrim in 1964. He has worked as a journalist for the Irish Independent, United Press International (UPI) and Time magazine. In 1994, Tony joined RTÉ as a radio and TV reporter. He is the winner of two ESB national media awards (1998 and 2001) in the TV news category. Tony was appointed RTÉ's Europe Correspondent in 2001 to cover EU and European Affairs from Brussels. He has also reported on conflicts in Rwanda, Angola, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Georgia and Gaza.