European Investment Bank's Philippe Maystadt at Budgetary Control Committee

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High-speed rails, supporting indigenous people's rights, protecting nature and wildlife, student loan facilities, construction and refurbishment of hospitals and reduction of industrial pollution are just a few projects supported by the European Investment Bank. Since 1999, the EP has regularly given an opinion on its activities. The President of the bank, Philippe Maystadt, will present the annual report for 2008 to Parliament's Budgetary Committee Wednesday. Watch it live.

Oversight of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank is one of the responsibilities of the committee. Dialogue between MEPs and the EIB has increased over the years, enabling the elected representatives of the Union's citizens to monitor the activities of the bank on their behalf. It is a long-standing practice that the chairman reports annually to MEPs.

On Wednesday, 2 December, EIB president Philippe Maystadt will therefore present its annual report for 2008.

The Parliament's legislative responsibilities apply to many areas in which EIB operates, namely the EU's internal market, regional development and technological research and development. Also covered are the environment, education and health. In addition to this the Trans-European network infrastructure is an area where the EIB operates.

The EIB also promotes Corporate Responsibility, emphasizing the importance of achieving a balance between economic growth, social well-being and the protection of the environment, in support of the goal of sustainable development.

The EIB Group’s 2008 Annual Report has three volumes:

the Activity and Corporate Responsibility Report - the EIB Group’s annual activity and future prospects

the Financial Report, presenting financial statements

the Statistical Report, presenting the projects financed and borrowings undertaken by the EIB in 2008.

The whole Parliament will vote on the report in the Spring.