MEPs look at conditions in Luanda's shanty towns

The European Parliament has a close relationship with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states and during the 18th ACP/EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in Angola, MEPs took time to visit the new city of Kilamba Kiaxi, south of Luanda, where 20,000 apartments are being built. Housing conditions in the oil-boom country are very poor for most people and some of the new apartments will go to those currently living in shanty towns, known as Musseques.

After visiting the development, Bulgarian MEP Mariya Nedelcheva, of the Christian Democrat party, said, "building new houses marks real progress, giving people access to water, electricity and sanitation".

But she was concerned about the location and how the apartments would be allocated. "This new city is far from Luanda and other city centres. Kilamba Kiaxi should not be too isolated, with young people being cut off from the city and work opportunities. Angola should avoid the mistakes of developed countries where large blocks were built in the 60s and 70s."

"The authorities need to ensure sufficient business will be brought to this area and that young people will be sufficiently trained to take the qualified jobs that this oil-booming country needs," she added. She also asked what criteria would be used to allocate the flats. "Will it be based on social criteria or will different ones be established?"

Angola still faces many problems

After many years of civil war, there has been a massive relocation of the population, with many coming to the capital Luanda, overloading the city's infrastructure and creating the Musseques, which now house hundreds of thousands.

Although Angola has become the largest African exporter of crude oil, poverty remains rife in the Musseques.

It is a priority of the Angolan government to give more people access to basic sanitation and proper housing, so there is massive construction of infrastructure and housing. Angola is planning to build 1 million new houses.

EU-ACP Joint Parliamentary Assembly

The ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly meets twice a year bringing together 78 MEPs and 78 parliamentarians from the ACP states. Meetings alternate between the EU and the partner countries. The 18th session took place from 30 November to 3 December in Luanda.