The award to Bank SNORAS from NASDAQ OMX Baltic Stock Exchange

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AB Bank SNORAS was granted the award from NASDAQ OMX Baltic Stock Exchange for the jubilee 15-year listing of the bank’s shares on NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Stock Exchange.

“The shares of Bank SNORAS are listed in Vilnius Stock Exchange practically since the very beginning of the activity of the stock exchange. However, we do not stay inactive, and, after all, our goal is not just to be listed or symbolically participate in the stock exchange; therefore, we can rejoice that this year the ordinary shares of Bank SNORAS were included in the top ten shares of the most liquid companies of NASDAQ OMX, and the turnover of our shares increased more than twice. The bank’s results in 2009 and the successful actions while expanding the activity of both the bank and the bank’s group increased the value of the shares, which during this year alone grew by more than 134 per cent,” said Vladimir Streckij, the director of Bank SNORAS Brokerage Department.

The turnover of Bank SNORAS shares within 11 months this year in NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Stock Exchange comprised LTL 194.6 million or almost 2.2 times more than during the same period last year. After assessing the turnover of the shares, Bank SNORAS rose to the third place among 40 companies whose shares are listed in the stock exchange. The bank’s capitalization in 2009 grew by LTL 199 million.

NASDAQ OMX Baltic Stock Exchange has given awards to the best issuers of the Baltic securities and to the market participants for four years in a row. The awards to companies and their representatives are granted in Vilnius, Tallinn and Riga every year. At the moment NASDAQ OMX stock exchanges of the Baltic States have 42 members.

Bank SNORAS ordinary shares have been traded in the stock exchange since 24th January 1994 already.