Tree more directions from Vilnius to European cities

The schedule of Vilnius International Airport (VIA) is supplemented with 3 more new directions; the airline company airBaltic starts regular flights to Paris today, to Munich tomorrow, and to Berlin on Monday.

Flights to Charles de Gaulle in the capital of France shall be carried out three times a week – on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. 4 times a week, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, the flights shall be carried out to German city Munich, and to Berlin the flights shall be carried out on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

All renewed flights shall be carried out by Boeing 737-500 type airplanes.

Afther the New Year celebration, airBaltic shall restore direct flights from Vilnius to Amsterdam and Rome.

During the Holiday, the Lithuanian airline company Aurela shall fly to London and Dublin. These flights shall be carried out from December 19 to January 4.

“Airport map shows that all main directions are restored from Vilnius to the biggest and most significant European cities. Next year, the geography of flights shall be enlarged, and we shall expand it to the Southern and Eastern Europe”, General Manager of VIA Tomas Vaišvila, says.

In the meantime, 15 airline companies fly from Vilnius to regular directions that make 19 direct routes. In the beginning of next year, there will be 21 direct regular flights.