Buzek to citizens: end of year assessment and 2010 outlook

Ježis Buzekas (Jerzy Buzek)
European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek has made an televised Christmas and New Year address to European citizens, looking ahead to the challenges of the coming year.
In the address, President Buzek says:

"2009 was a challenging year for us; a very intense one. Europe struggled with the economic crisis. Every one of us has been looking for solutions. Let me be clear: Here in the European Parliament in 2010, we will do our best to be sure that you will not continue to be affected by the crisis.

We can easier do this for you because; we have a new institutional tool, the Lisbon Treaty which strengthens democracy and effectiveness of the European Union. For, 2010, much is expected of the new European Commission. At the beginning of the year we will organise hearings to check the suitability of the Commissioners for their new posts. All of this should help to overcome the economic difficulties that we are all facing.

This year, the European Union showed leadership in the fight against climate change. What is important for all of us is not only the big 'saving the planet' issue. But, the climate is linked to the energy issue. We must ensure that our homes, our hospitals, our schools will be heated during the winter with constant electricity supply. This means energy security. We are now very close to creating a true European Energy Community.

We will be working for you to deliver concrete results for you and your families.

My best wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a good start of the New Year."