Iran's cancellation of Tehran visit surprises EP delegation

Europos parlamento rūmai Strasbūre (Prancūzija)
The European Parliament delegation for relations with Iran has voiced surprise at the last-minute cancellation by Iranian authorities of the EP delegation's visit to Tehran, which was to take place later this week.

Delegation chair Barbara Lochbihler (Greens/EFA, DE) said the cancellation was "another sad illustration of how much the Iranian leadership opposes any discussion of the major unresolved problems in the country." Mrs Lochbihler added that "political developments in Iran" would remain "at the top of the European agenda".

"The trip was to take place at a time of great political upheaval in Iran and of a daily increase in State repression. The programme therefore included official exchanges with representatives of the Majlis (the Iranian Parliament), the Foreign Ministry and business representatives, but also a wide range of meetings with the political opposition and representatives of civil society".

"There had been a very positive response to requests for meetings and expectations about the delegation's visit were correspondingly high. In the end, the Tehran leadership apparently considered that the delegation's visit was a risk not worth taking".

The visit by Parliament's delegation, set for 8-11 January, was to take place in the context of the European Parliament's  bi-annual exchanges with a large number of the world's parliaments.