The Collection of Wincor Nixdorf Includes a Lithuanian Solution


Wincor Nixdorf Vicepresident  Stefan Auerbach (left) and „Penki kontinentai“  Chairman of the Board Idrakas Dadašovas signing „ATMeye“ contract of supply

„Wincor Nixdorf“ viceprezidentas (deš.) Stefanas Auerbachas (Stefan Auerbach) ir „Penkių kontinentų“ valdybos pirmininkas Idrakas Dadašovas: pasirašoma „ATMeye“ tiekimo sutartis
The video surveillance system ATMeye.iQ created by the company Penkų kontinentų bankinės technologijos (BS/2) will be distributed by an international company Wincor Nixdorf. It is expected that the new channels of sales will strengthen the position of the Lithuanian company in the international markets of banking technologies.

“The fact that our partners chose to distribute the project shows its competitiveness and high level of technology. We are sure that the new agreement with  Wincor Nixdorf will provide the possibility to increase the volume of export, open new markets, and allow offering additional functions of the system," said Idrakas Dadašovas, CEO of the company group, which includes BS/2.

The system ATMeye.iQ created by BS/2 is an intellectual solution to video surveillance and conflict management, which optimises running costs and reduces the risk of fraud and vandalism in the self-service devices. The company covers around 7 percent of the world market of video surveillance of self-service devices.

BS/2 is the only integrated partner of Wincor Nixdorf in the fields of retail sales and banking technologies and will be a golden partner in the annual German exhibition Wincor World. The companies have been cooperating for 15 years.

In the event Wincor World 2010, which will take place on 26-28 January in Paderborn (Germany), the companies of the Penki Kontinentai Group will introduce the solutions for the banking sector and retail: outsourcing,  possibilities of business processes automation and increasing efficiency, solutions of e-payment, etc.