Statement by President Mario Sepi: Earthquake in Haiti: European civil society and all the institutions must provide help and support to Haiti's population

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As President of the European Economic and Social Committee, I would like, on behalf of all the Committee's members, to express my sympathy to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

We are well aware that a mere statement will not give Haitian civil society the support it needs at this time. However, as President of the Committee that is responsible for expressing the feelings of European civil society, I am calling on all institutions and all European civil society organisations to demonstrate active solidarity.

The European Economic and Social Committee welcomes the European Commission's prompt action to assist Haiti to deal with this humanitarian emergency and calls on the other European institutions and all the Member States to make a significant and sustained commitment towards the reconstruction and development of that country.

The earthquakes that have struck the island over the last few days will have a very severe impact on the economic and social situation in that country, which was already very difficult. Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, has already suffered in recent years from a large number of natural disasters, including Hurricane Jeanne in September 2004 and the four hurricanes in 2008. These tragedies caused many deaths and hampered development.

I appeal to the consciences of our civil societies to ensure that a collective commitment at various levels is expressed practically through the provision of funds and the use of all available resources for projects to support and assist Haitian civil society.