Worm-Kit Creator Blames You

Sloppy programmers and lazy users are the real cause of virus attacks, according to the creator of the VBS Worm Generator program, a virus creation kit used by Dutch cracker OnTheFly to create the Anna Kournikova e-mail worm. In an interview with Ken Dunham of the Security Portal, an Argentine teenager calling himself Kalamar (who now wishes to be known simply as [K] -- with brackets) also revealed that he has not removed the VBS Worm Generator program from his website, contrary to some published reports. K] told Durham that he was "really surprised" that a virus created with his VBS Worm Generator (VBSWG) program had been able to infect thousands of computers around the world in a matter of hours, but added that he has no intention of pulling the program from his site. He also says he is not responsible for what people do with the files that his generator creates. He suggested that if anyone should be blamed, it's mainstream programmers. "I think that it's wrong to make programs with holes that let you do all the stuff that we can make today. If a virus spread so fast, it is the ... apps' (application's) fault," [K] told Dunham. Computer users who blithely click on anything attached to an e-mail are also at fault, said [K], 18, a self-taught programmer who started working with computers 3-1/2 years ago. He got involved in the virus scene two years ago.