Commissioner Samecki encourages Croatia to use EU investment as a launch-pad for growth

Regional Policy Commissioner Paweł Samecki will meet Croatia's Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor and members of her government in Zagreb on 25-26 January to discuss the country's preparations for accession in the context of the EU cohesion policy. If, as expected, Croatia joins the EU in 2012, it will be entitled to an investment boost from the policy of up to
€2.2 billion over 2012 and 2013 – a 20-fold increase on the level of support it currently receives through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).

Ahead of his visit, Commissioner Samecki said: "Croatia faces big challenges ahead which necessitate a strong commitment to ensuring that the right administrative structures are in place to reap the full potential of future EU investment. It is crucial that all levels of government prepare the ground well so that this investment delivers an impetus to the whole economy."

Commissioner Samecki will meet Prime Minister Kosor on 25 January and then hold talks with Ministers responsible for implementation of pre-accession funding including: Minister of Finance Ivan Šuker, Minister of Transport Bo židar Kalmeta, Minister of Environment Marina Matulovi ć Dropulić, Minister of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship Đuro Popijač, and Minister of Regional Development and Deputy Prime Minister Božidar Pankretić.

On 26 January, the Commissioner will meet members of Croatia's Parliament. The visit will provide an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges facing Croatia, in particular to ensure that it generates good quality projects and uses EU funding efficiently.

The country received € 438.5 million in EU investment under the IPA in 2007-2009. Three specific programmes target regional development: environment ( €53.5 million), transport ( €53.5 million) and regional competitiveness ( €34.9 million). The Commissioner will underline the need to accelerate implementation of these programmes.

The main priorities of the EU co-funded programmes are:

transport infrastructure in rail, inland waterways, ports, with a focus on extending pan-European transport corridors;

environment infrastructure for waste water and waste management;

investment to boost competitiveness and employment, particularly in small and medium enterprises;

Support for skills and training.

Croatia is already drawing up its future cohesion policy objectives and programmes, in close cooperation with the Commission.

This funding will be targeted at helping Croatia to modernise its economy, create new jobs and improve living standards, as well as enhancing the performance of its national and local administrations.