The ‘Treaty of Rome’ visits the America’s Cup

Milžiniškos bangos Australijoje
The sailing boat ‘Traité de Rome’ (Treaty of Rome) has docked in Valencia’s port to bring the Spanish Presidency of the European Union to those visiting the 33rd America’s Cup, which begins in the Mediterranean city on Monday.

The ‘Traité de Rome’ was built in 1975 with the name ‘Pinta’; it won the Admiral’s Cup and in 1977 its owner placed it at the disposal of the ‘Sail for Europe’ association.

To mark the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, the boat will travel the coast of Spain, stopping in Valencia, Barcelona and Vigo, before travelling to Belgium, the country which will hold the rotating Presidency in the second half of this year. The aim is ‘to promote the idea of Europe through sport’.

‘Traité de Rome’ also has ‘solidarity value’ as ‘a large part of the time it is a workshop for young people where discipline, values and knowledge of other [EU] Member States are taught’, the Director of the Representation of the European Commission in Spain, Francisco Fonseca, said at the ceremony to welcome the sailing boat.