MEPs debate extending funding for poor housing

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Poor housing remains a blight across Europe and Tuesday evening MEPs will debate a plan to extend EU funding to help renovate and repair housing stock for the poorest people on the continent. Prior to this, money has only been available in the 12 countries - mainly in Central and Eastern Europe - who joined the EU in in 2004 and 2007. The proposals will allow people and communities in Western Europe to benefit also.

According to Dutch MEP Lambert van Nistelrooij (EPP) who acted as a rapporteur for the Parliament on the issue "decent housing represents a basic condition in the fight against poverty and social exclusion".

Until now only urban housing improvements in the 12 newest EU countries were eligible for European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) money, excluding the great majority of marginalised communities living in rural areas and in shelters often of very poor quality.

If approved, all 27 EU members could use the ERDF funds to renovate the existing houses of their marginalised communities or to replace them, irrespective of where they are located i.e. in urban or rural areas.

Roma and legal migrants among target groups

The law will focus on all "marginalised communities", among them the Roma, who are currently the largest poverty-affected social group in Europe. Mr van Nistelrooij stresses nevertheless that there are also other communities, especially legal migrants that need to be addressed appropriately.

So how to decide who is poor and who is not? Mr van Nistelrooij: "The Commission will adopt a list of criteria for determining the areas experiencing or threatened by physical deterioration and social exclusion".

How much are we talking about?

As for the funds available Mr van Nistelrooij explained: "For the programming period 2007–2013, the ERDF delivers ca. €28 billion per year. The allocation to housing expenditure for marginalised communities will be either a maximum of 3% of the ERDF Operational Programmes concerned, or 2% of the total ERDF allocation in each Member State."

Unfortunately there will be no new money now that the programme is being extended, just more people potentially applying.

The debate will take place on Tuesday evening with a vote on Wednesday.