European ministers will focus their discussions on the impact of the crisis on Greek agriculture and the future of the Common Agricultural Policy

Today, 22 February, the EU Council of Agriculture and Fishing in Brussels, under the chairmanship of the Spanish Minister, Elena Espinosa, will analyse the impact of the economic crisis on the Greek agricultural sector, which has experienced a drop in prices and income, with small farms that pose an obstacle for the producer for negotiating with large distribution chains.

Greece plans to apply for aid to confront the difficulties of its agricultural sector and assist its crop and livestock farmers with “urgent and immediate and long-term measures”, according to a note presented to the Council.

At this meeting, the Council of Agriculture and Fishing will also address the future of the Common Agricultural Policy and market management measures after 2013, as well as the possible solutions for labelling in matters of animal welfare, and setting up a European network of benchmark centres for animal protection and welfare.

The agenda also includes examination of a request by the Italian Government concerning authorisation of state aid for the acquisition of farmland.

The Council will prepare for the meeting of ministers of Agriculture to be held on 25 and 26 February next in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris.

Concerning the common agricultural policy, the ministers will exchange views on the Presidency's document on whether European agriculture is sufficiently oriented toward market needs; whether current market management instruments are sufficient in a context of growing volatility; and whether future policy in this sphere should have a funding mechanism in case of severe crisis offering the flexibility necessary to react quickly in such situations.