Zapatero will analyse EU economic strategy with Merkel

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The President of the Spanish Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, will meet this Monday with the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, to analyse the future EU economic and employment strategy EU2020 before the Twenty-seven approve its basic lines at the Spring European Council.

Zapatero travels to Germany along with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Industry, Miguel Sebastián, and Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia, to open the largest ICT trade fair in the world, (CeBIT) at which Spain is the guest country this year.

Before the opening ceremony, a meeting will be held between the two leaders and their cabinet members, with both sides committed to technological innovation, co-operation on climate change and the electric car to activate a sustainable economy.
Zapatero and Merkel will also discuss the situation in Greece and the stability of the Euro Zone and are likely to look into European policy in Cuba after the death of the dissident Orlando Zapata.
From Hannover, Moratinos will begin a tour of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia as part of the Spanish Presidency of the EU to strengthen co-operation of the Twenty-seven with these three former Soviet republics.