Central Government Debt in January

According to the data presented by the Ministry of Finance, in end-January central government debt made up LTL26, 310.8 million or 28% of projected GDP for 2010 (LTL 93, 819  million).


Central government was indebted to domestic financial sectorLTL 5, 707 million, non-financial sector – LTL 355.9  million, other creditors (households and non-profit institutions) – LTL1, 084.9 million. Over the month central government domestic debt increased by LTL 430.9 million. Total central government domestic debt amounted to LTL 7, 147.8 million (27.2% of total central government debt) at the end of the month.


On 31 January 2010 central government foreign debt made up LTL19, 163 million, and this accounted for 72.8% of total central government debt. Over the month central government foreign debt increased by LTL219 million. In end-month central government was indebted to foreign financial institutions LTL 16, 302.2 million, international organisations – LTL 2, 860.7 million.


Total long-term central government debt amounted to LTL 25, 047.1 million (95.2% of total debt), short-term debt – LTL 1, 263.7 million (4.8% of total debt).