Mobility Programme for Business and Industry calls for applications

In order to vitalize and strengthen cooperation of business stakeholders in the region, the Nordic and Baltic countries continue running joint mobility programme. The programme gives financial support to carry out business study visits, internships, training and network activities in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

The programme is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the governments of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The annual budget of the programme is 2 million DKK.

The overall objective of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Business and Industry is to promote economic cooperation, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Nordic-Baltic region. The nearest deadline for submitting applications is March 31st, 2010.

“The programme is open to small and medium-size enterprises, business organizations and incubators as well as state institutions, working in the field of business environment”, says adviser Vida Gintautaite.

Activities supported by the programme require participation of minimum three different countries, of these minimum one Nordic and one Baltic. The programme covers up to 70% of the costs related to travel, accommodation and network activities.     

In this context the Nordic and Baltic countries are Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden.

The mobility programme was launched in 2009. Since then it has granted 50 joint Nordic-Baltic cooperation projects in the fields of energy efficiency, wind power technology, biomedicine, tourism, wood processing, design and IT consulting.