Death of Polish President Lech Kaczyński: statement by President Jerzy Buzek

Pagarbą žuvusiam Lenkijos prezidentui išreiškė Europos Parlamento pirmininkas J. Buzekas
"This is an unimaginable catastrophe in Europe. Europe has encountered a great loss. Poland is living through an indescribable tragedy. Never before in Europe so many high ranking officials - elected by the people according to democratic principles - have died in a plane crash. They were on duty in the name of the citizens.

With great sorrow I have received the devastating news of the death of my friend and great Polish politician - the President of Poland Lech Kaczyński. We have worked together during tough times for Poland in the opposition in Solidarność and later in democratic Poland in my government.

With great pain I think of the Polish politicians, officials, crew and everyone else who was on board of that plane. They died in the service of their country on their way to commemorate the thousands of Polish officers killed in Katyń 70 years ago.   

As a Pole I am bereaved in great sorrow and mourning, together with 38 million citizens of Poland.

As President of the European Parliament on behalf of all members of our Parliament I would like to express our condolences and words of sympathy to the families of the tragically killed. I express our support to all Polish citizens and the Polish authorities".