WHO assists emergency health care provision in Kyrgyzstan

Demonstracija - kirgizai protestuoja prieš savo prezidentą
Civil unrest in Kyrgyzstan last week left over 70 people dead, more than 1500 injured and over 500 hospitalized. In response, WHO/Europe mobilized standard health kits from pre-positioned stocks in Bishkek, the capital. With nongovernmental organizations, WHO is coordinating the provision of trauma and surgical kits to local hospitals.

WHO/Europe started coordinating the health response and mapping both health needs and the health sector's response, supporting the Ministry of Health and collaborating with civil-society organizations and other partners.

Most casualties are being treated in three health facilities in Bishkek, and other countrywide health services continue to function without major disruption. The most recent reports indicated that civilian life was returning to normal, with the reopening of schools and businesses.