FDI in Lithuania Grew by 5 % and Lithuania’s Investment Abroad Increased by 14 %

Statistics Lithuania has calculated that, based on provisional data, FDI in Lithuania in 2009 amounted by 5.3 % more than in 2008. Also, direct investment of Lithuanian enterprises abroad grew by 13.9 % in 2009.

In 2009, FDI in Lithuania made EUR 9.6 billion, in comparison with EUR 9.1 billion in 2008. FDI per capita amounted to EUR 2895 (EUR 2731 in 2008). 

The largest investments in Lithuania in 2009 were made by Swedish – EUR 1.1 billion (11.8 % of total FDI), Polish – EUR 1 billion (10.5 %), Danish – EUR 1 billion (10.4 %), German – EUR 1 billion (10.4 %), Dutch – EUR 657 million (6.8 %), Estonian – EUR 625 million (6.5 %), Russian – EUR 623 million (6.5 %), and Finnish – EUR 458 million (4.7 %) investors. Direct investment from EU-27 countries amounted to EUR 7.6 billion (78.7 % of total FDI), and from CIS countries – EUR 647 million (7 %).

The largest investment was made in manufacturing – 27.7 %, real estate, renting and business activities – 16.1 %, transport, storage and communication – 14.5 %, financial intermediation – 13.4 %, and wholesale and retail trade – 13.4 % of total FDI. In 2009, the largest increase was observed for FDI in manufacturing (25.7 %) and electricity, gas and water supply (13 %) enterprises.

In 2009, direct investment of Lithuanian enterprises abroad amounted to EUR 1.6 billion (EUR 1.3 billion in 2008). The largest direct investment of Lithuanian enterprises – EUR 335 million (20.9 % of total direct investment abroad) – was made in the Netherlands, while direct investment in Latvia amounted to EUR 307 million (19 %), Russia – EUR 153 million (9.5 %), Poland – EUR 124 million (7.7 %), Ukraine – EUR 110 million (6.9 %). Direct investment of Lithuanian enterprises in EU-27 countries amounted to EUR 1.2 billion (75.5 % of total direct investment abroad), in CIS countries – EUR 318 million (19.8 %). 

The largest direct investment abroad was made in real estate, renting and business activities –41.4 %, wholesale and retail trade - 16.9 %, financial intermediation – 14.3 %, manufacturing – 12.7 %, and transport, storage and communication – 8.5 % of Lithuanian enterprises’ total direct investment abroad.