Buzek leads solemn commemoration of Poland's tragedy

Lenkijos laikraščių pirmieji puslapiai paskirti lėktuvo katastrofoje žuvusiam šalies Prezidentui Lechui Kačynskiui ir jo žmonai atminti
In an emotionally charged yet dignified atmosphere Parliament's Polish President Jerzy Buzek led Members of the European Parliament in a ceremony to honour the Polish plane crash. A moment's silence was observed before the names of all the 96 victims were read out and a flower placed in their memory. Addressing a Chamber packed with MEPs and Parliament staff Mr Buzek said "the messages of support I have received have given me and my country some strength and comfort".

Many of the victims were known personally to him from his days with the Solidarity movement - Polish President Lech Kaczyński had previously served in a government headed by Mr Buzek during his term as Poland's Prime Minister.

As well as paying tribute to the victims he also paid tribute to our "Russian friends" for their reaction: "History has dramatically come full circle. We have been touched by the Russian reaction, full of dignity and understanding. Thank you, our Russian friends. We believe it will help us to reconcile our continent in both historical truth and mutual trust and respect" he said.

He pointed out that 18 Polish Parliamentarians were among the victims of the crash near Smolensk on Saturday. The Polish delegation had been en route to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre of Polish officers by Stalin's NKVD.

Members were joined by the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso and Diego López Garrido from the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council of Ministers.

Reflecting on the outpouring of grief Mr Buzek said that "in unity lies strength - we are stronger when we are united".