Call for full partnership between EU and Latin America

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The EU-Latin America summit on 18 May in Madrid should focus on closer cooperation over political stability, climate change and migration, says a Parliament resolution adopted on Wednesday. MEPs also call for the EU High Representative to play an active role at the summit and for a “full bi-regional partnership” between the two regions. The EU is Latin America's second largest trading partner and the EU is the biggest investor in the region.

The new possibilities offered by the Lisbon Treaty should be used to boost the regional partnership launched in Rio de Janeiro in 1999, say MEPs. Parliament particularly supports the Commission's proposal for a “global interregional partnership” by 2015.  It also calls on the EU High Representative to play an active part at the summit.

In the resolution drafted by Ignacio Salafranca (EPP, ES) and adopted by show of hands, MEPs propose:


•           a Euro-Latin American Charter for Peace and Security,

•           a reform of the state, which is needed to ensure the political stability of some countries,

•           a constructive dialogue on migration,

•           an efficient and independent judiciary and an effective policy of respect for human rights,

•           joint action to fight climate change and global warming

They also deplore increased military spending “at a time when it is essential to reduce the effects of underdevelopment, poverty, pandemics, malnutrition, crime and natural disasters”.

Parliament believes the partnership must be based on a 'WTO–Regionalism' compatible model and strongly backs negotiations on the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement and the EU-Central America Association Agreement. It hopes the talks on the latter can concluded before the Madrid summit.

Urging a broader vision, the resolution says EU-Latin American relations should not be restricted to twice-yearly summits. It also calls for new “triangular approaches” such as EU-LAC-Asia, EU-LAC-Africa and EU-LAC-US, as well as a Europe-Latin America and Caribbean Foundation.